The Problem

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” ~ John 10:10

Jesus opened up the possibility for an abundant, full life here and now. But most of us fall far short from living ‘the fullness of life.’ What stops us? Could it be possible that our birthright has been stolen? Or even worse, have we inadvertently sold it cheaply?

Our culture, including our Christian culture, tells us that if we only did more, did better, did differently, our lives would improve. The glitch in this approach to living the fullness we are promised is that at best our future is an evolution of our past. How we ‘wound up being’ today is the result of our genetic disposition and all the events of our past—what has happened to us, our decisions, habitual thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Living this way, it is inevitably true: your present is an evolution of your past, and your future is an evolution of the present. Any change is slow and incremental if it happens at all. Despite all of our scriptural knowledge and spiritual practices, most of us have experiences in our past that continue to determine, for the worse, our present and future actions. If you are courageous, you may still hope for a future that is more than an evolution of the past—an unprecedented future—but how to realize that future remains a mystery.

The Critical Steps

Critical Steps

To actually realize an unprecedented future, two critical moves are required:

To complete those events from the past so that we can be free, whole, and complete in the present—to land in the place where you know, but more importantly live out, the truth that you have everything for life and godliness, that you lack nothing for an unprecedented future.

And secondly, to live in such a way that your future determines your present. As the scripture says: “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18).

How Can I Take Those Steps?

The Possibilities for Life Workshop is a space in which you can be supported in making these two moves.

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The Workshop

Possibilities for Life is structured to take you on a journey—to be a space of inquiry wherein who you are as a human being transforms with the result that your whole world shows up new, fresh, and inviting. This transformation is the underlying sense of the New Testament Greek word which is usually and unfortunately translated ‘repentance.’ Our common sense of repentance is to stop sinning, but the Greek word is more akin to a radical change of worldview or mindset. The workshop opens up the possibility to be the author of your life, not just following the script laid down by your past, open to the risks and vulnerability that come from living authentically in the present based on your ideal future. Rather than being resigned to the options life has offered up until now, you can discover unprecedented possibilities for new perspectives, reactions, thoughts, and actions. Its framework is based on principles and methods from Christian spirituality, psychology, mindfulness, and philosophy.

“Behold I am making everything new.” ~ Jesus of Nazareth

The Results

Through a structured series of experiential exercises, you will experience a radical change in worldview and arrive at a new way of being, where your desired future determines your present, and your past—all of it—supports your present.

This is what Jesus called a metanoia (which is the Greek word translated as ‘repentance’)—a change of mindset that changes everything. The exercises in Possibilities for Life open up the domain of ‘what you don’t know that you don’t know’ —what you can’t even call uncharted territory, because it may be something totally foreign to what you know and what you know that you don’t know. The end result is you, whole and complete, lacking nothing (2 Peter 1: 3) which is the presence of life and godliness.

We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” ~ Albert Einstein


Ready to Open New Possibilities?

Changing your future is literally one click away. Discover how you can live an unprecedented life full of new possibilities.

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