Watching Life From The Stands

On the Sidelines or In the Game?

Being in the Game is a whole different world than the world of observing the Game from the sidelines or stands. Let’s consider the different worlds with some comparisons:

From the StandsOn the Court
2nd Hand1st Hand
CommentatorSkin in the game

Our culture throws us hard into a ‘from the stands’ world – as adults we value dispassionate observation and often view being ‘on the court’ as childish. We begin to believe that we know much that we really don’t ‘know’. For example, describe how to walk. Notice that is impossible… you literally do not know how to walk! Even if you knew each muscle that needed to move in what order, the associated neural pathways for feedback and control, you still don’t ‘know’ how to walk.  Many of the most important aspects of life ‘on the court’ show up this way. But as an adult, we have forgotten that these aspects of life need to be lived out, need to be embodied. We fool ourselves into mistaking our concepts for the reality. Becoming clear about the distinction between being an observer in the stands and being a participant on the court opens up the possibility for accomplishment and fulfillment.

About the Author

Derek Watson