What Graduates Say About Possibilities for Life

Brad Wilson

In 2016 I was in a hard place. The last few years had completely taken the air out of my lungs and despite my best efforts I couldn’t escape the feeling that I was constantly sinking. I was broken and struggling to come to terms with a life that didn’t turn out at all the way I had hoped.

During a chance run in with my friend Adam he said “Brad, if you believe anything I’ve ever told you, if you trust me as your friend, you will go to Possibilities for Life. It will change your life.”

I had no idea what Possibilities for Life was (it felt like The Matrix, I was constantly asking “What IS Possibilities for Life??”) but I was desperate for a change, so I took him up on the offer and went.

Possibilities for Life radically changed my life.

It impacted everything from caring enough about people to remember their names and to be at places on time, to big things like breaking through my crippling trauma, understanding what I was putting out to other people, letting go of the victim mentality I’d fallen into, and realizing how desperately I was loved.

I didn’t drink a magic potion, in the 6 years that’s passed life hasn’t been perfect. I still have bad days, I still blow it. However, the training opened my eyes to see I didn’t have to live in the trenches I built for myself, that I wasn’t resigned to death, but could choose life. That idea alone was radical. The man I am, the Professor I became, I owe so much to Possibilities For Life.

No matter where you are in life, whether you’re in breakdown like I was, or you’re just not as stoked about life as you once were, or maybe you’re already awesome but just want to be MORE awesome, either way I make the same promise to you that Adam did to me: If you go to Possibilities for Life, it will change your life. I really don’t know many things in life that offer that guarantee.

The next workshop is Friday October 21st through Monday October 24th in Edmond, OK. It’s an investment, it is, but you’ll get back so much more in return than you could ever imagine.

If you want to hear more about my experience, of course hit me up by email! And if you’re interested in going, register here.


Miryam R.

Spent the last 4 days at the Possibilities for Life training, and here is my TESTIMONY:

The trainer, Derek, and his insight were phenomenal and on point… along with activities that apply advanced neuroscience studies built on the foundation of biblical principles.

It was also the people I got to journey this experience with the last 4 days as the furnace got hotter and hotter… that were invaluable to my breakthrough. There were 21 of us for this experience. Many were pastors & ministry leaders along with unbelievers. We got so real and vulnerable. We helped one another as the trainer pointed us to the light that we couldn’t see in the dark whether due to grief & loss, trauma, etc. As we trusted the process, we stuck it through to the end and an incredible mind-blowing, life-transforming experience took place. It really was too good to be true and I had come with high expectations. My friend has been so tenacious in having me go, but this time, I couldn’t ignore the timing. I had just moved to Nashville, TN and it was not only perfect timing but the perfect setup that only God could’ve arranged. I needed healing and I told them what I wanted, but I eventually realized that there was an even bigger breakthrough that I hadn’t mentioned because I thought it would be impossible. But the impossible became possible.

If I had to rank my top 10 life experiences, this would be ranked #3. It would rank after my life experience encountering Jesus (#1) and my trip to Israel (#2).

On top of that, I get to start my life in Nashville with these authentic friendships…which is so PRICELESS and a gift to me.

Thank you, God. And thank you to my friends who enrolled me for sowing into me, to our trainer and to the training sponsors and incredible team of servant leaders. Y’all changed my life FOREVER.

About the Author

Derek Watson