What is Possibilities for Life?

Possibilities for Life is an inquiry into who you are as God created you to be, along with what makes life fulfilling—such as the presence of love, authenticity, connection, intimacy, accomplishment, and community. We all are faced with the opportunity to transcend who we wound up being up to this moment in time. The training is a space for you to explore those possibilities and make them a reality.

A big part of how we wound up being is the result of our experiences as a child, and decisions we made about those experiences. For most of us, those experiences and decisions have faded into the background of life and we are left with a sense that who we are is just how we wound up being. How we wound up being naturally perpetuates itself because of the ‘tranquilized obviousness’ of these decisions which continue to live on as ‘how the world is and how we are’ and as we proceed through life we continually find evidence that supports our view of ‘how the world is and how we are.’ Whenever you catch yourself saying “I’m the type of person who…” or “That’s not something I’m able to do”, or “I’m an introvert/extrovert, so I can X or I can’t X”—you are bumping up against those decisions that have faded into ‘how you wound up being.’

Those decisions that fed ‘how I wound up being’ are always about survival. They were made in situations that seemed like life-or-death to a young child; those situations range from the traumatic through the relatively mundane, but all involve limiting yourself in important ways; you decided that’s just the ‘way things are’. These survival decisions allow you to thrive in certain situations and have great success, but they also fail miserably in different situations. The maximum success and fulfillment in life come from the flexibility to be who the moment requires you to be based on your ideal outcome, not just what your past has equipped you to be.

Possibilities for Life is an inquiry and journey of discovering and transcending the limitations of how you ‘wound up being’—opening a space for you to discover success in areas which have eluded you up till now.

About the Author

Derek Watson